October 21-22, 2019 in Tbilisi (Georgia), field sessions of the working group and the General Meeting of the International Association "Trans-Caspian International Transport Route" were held.
During the work of the sessions, the participants received the information on volumes of transported cargo for 9 months of 2019, as well as the report of NMSK Kazmortransflot LLP regarding the results of 6 months of operation of the feeder line on the Aktau-Baku-Aktau route, which shows the positive dynamics of container traffic growth along TITR. During the work of the sessions, the participants received the information on volumes of transported cargo for 9 months of 2019, as well as the report of NMSK Kazmortransflot LLP regarding the results of 6 months of operation of the feeder line on the Aktau-Baku-Aktau route, which shows the positive dynamics of container traffic growth along TITR.
In addition, the General Meeting reviewed and discussed the tariff rates planning for 2020, including tariffs for coal transportation, and other internal issues related to the activities of the TITR Association.
By the decision of the General Meeting, the composition of the Management Board of the TITR Association was changed, so the General Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors of TCDD – Transportation JSC Kamuran Yazici joined to the Management Board of TITR Association. The companies – Tis-Container Terminal LLC (Ukraine) and Baku Hovsan International Trade Sea Port OJSC (Azerbaijan) were accepted as associate members of the TITR Association.
On October 22, 2019, as part of the General Meeting session, a ceremony of signing the agreement on the establishing a Consortium between ACSC Logistics LLC (Azerbaijan), GRAMPET S.A (Romania) and GR Logistics and Terminals LLC (Georgia) was arranged. Within the framework of this agreement, the parties will cooperate in the development of cargo transportation between Romanian and Georgian ports, increasing and attracting additional cargo flow to the Middle Corridor. Also, in order to develop and increase the efficiency of Middle Corridor traffic, agreements on automated information exchange were signed between NC Aktau Sea Commercial Port JSC, Port Quryq LLP and Baku International Sea Trade Port CJSC.
In addition, on the same days, representatives of the TITR Association took part in the 3rd Baltic Ports & Shipping 2019 Conference and Exhibition which was held in Gdynia (Poland). The event was attended by about 200 delegates representing the transport and logistics sector. As part of the conference, on October 23, 2019, the session “Market dynamics, port development and a perspective on Belt and Road Initiative” was held. During this session, the current state and development plans of TITR (Middle Corridor) were presented, as well as a number of business meetings and negotiations aimed at the cooperation with TITR (Middle Corridor) were held with companies of the European transport market.