On August 20, 2019, in Tbilisi (Georgia), a meeting of the working group on launching of a regular feeder line between the ports of Batumi/ Poti (Georgia) and port of Constanta (Romania) was held within the framework of TITR. Earlier this year, meetings of the working group regarding this project were held in June in Nur-Sultan (Kazakhstan) and in Constanta (Romania).
The participants of the meeting discussed and finally agreed technical and commercial aspects of the project in the ports of Georgia and at the container terminals of the port of Constanta, on the basis of which tariffs for the transportation of containers on the future feeder line Batumi – Constanta – Batumi were developed, as well as the planned date for the start of operating of feeder line.
The participants of the working group developed and approved an action plan for the launch of the regular feeder line, as well as future development plans. The first ship to be used on the new regular feeder service of TITR (Middle Corridor) at the Black Sea will be a vessel owned by Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping Company CJSC. According to the plans, the duration of the voyage between the ports of Batumi and Constanta will take 5 days in one direction.
The feeder line will be launched by September 20, 2019.
As the main cargoes on this line of TITR (Middle Corridor) should be transit cargoes in direction Europe – China – Europe, as well as export and import cargoes in direction Europe – Central Asia – Europe. According to the expectations of the participants of the working group, the launch of this regular feeder service will significantly reduce the time for delivering cargo on the Black Sea stretch, make the tariff conditions more attractive and in general will lead to an increase of container traffic on the route.
The participants also discussed the possibility for the future with a significant increase in cargo flow, putting another vessel of a larger capacity, as well as additional vessels.