October 22, 2018, Baku (Azerbaijan) the Board and the General Meetings of the International Association "Trans-Caspian International Transport Route" (TITR or Middle Corridor) were held in the framework of the 160th anniversary of "Azerbaijan Caspian Shipping" CJSC.
The participants of the General Meeting received the information of transported cargo volumes along the TITR route (Middle Corridor) for 9 months of 2018, where the upward trend of container traffic volumes on the TITR was noted. By the end of 2018, the estimated volume of container traffic expected on the order of 15 thousand containers (TEU). At the same time, the growth of transit traffic flows through the Caspian Sea in the strategic direction China - Europe was mentioned.
By the decision of General meeting was approved the cargo delivery time along the routes of the Middle Corridor, aimed at the improving its competitiveness and further integration into the network of international transport corridors, which will consequently improve the quality of service providing to customers of cargo transportation. The members of the Association, together with the International Trans-Caspian Transport Consortium (ITTC) also decided to develop and sign an agreement on liability measures in case of nonobservance of cargo delivery time on the TITR between its carriers and operators in the nearest future.
In order to improve the operativeness of resolving issues with the tariff rates forming and the cargo delivery time on the Middle Corridor, the changes to the regulation of Working Group on the development of the TITR aimed at enlarging of the powers of the Working Group were vested by the Management Board of Association.
As part of the events, new associate members of the Association - Eastcomtrans LLP (Kazakhstan) and Grampet Group (Romania) made presentations on their activities, including and specifically attracting new cargo traffic to the Middle Corridor. Today, the composition of regular and associate members of the TITR Association includes 16 major transport and logistics companies and maritime administrations.
Following the meeting, the relevant protocols was signed.
For reference: Eastcomtrans LLP is the largest private rolling stock operator in the Republic of Kazakhstan which provides comprehensive transport services to enterprises in all areas of rail freight. The company operates around 11,300 units of rolling stock, of which its own rolling stock is about 10,000 units. Eastcomtrans LLP has brunches in 6 cities of Kazakhstan.
Grampet Group operates in all areas of rail transportation and logistics in the EU countries, including both cargo transportation and rolling stock production and repair, logistics management, etc. The number of employees of the group exceeds 7 000. Grampet Group operates a fleet of more than 16 500 railway wagons and 400 locomotives.